Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Laura Ingraham calls to end birthright citizenship

Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham has criticized the GOP on not taking a stronger stance on citizenship and immigration. She went even further and said on radio that she thinks that the 14th amendment's citizenship clause should be repealed in order to prevent illegal immigrants from illegally crossing into the U.S. and having children on American soil, thus automatically making them U.S. citizens.

Personally, I believe that the citizenship clause should be modified in order to deal with the illegal immigration in this country. I believe that only children of U.S. citizens should be granted citizenship, not just anyone who has a child in this country just so that they can live here. If people want to live in this country, they should go through the proper immigration process and then become naturalized.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Young Black Senators Make History

After the Midterm elections, two black senators from both the Democratic and Republican parties have been elected. Since 1870, only 9 senators have served in the Senate and hopefully with the election of these two men that number will increase. Many also believe that the traditional Senate demographic of old white men will also begin to bend and that maybe a new trend will start.

I think that it is good to have minorities represented in the Senate so that they have their voices heard too. I think it is even better that one of the men is from the deep south because that might mean that racism is waning in the traditional racist hot spot. I also think that USA Today is making too big of a deal out of this too because, in the words of Morgan Freeman (God), "The only way to stop racism is to stop talking about it." (it went something like that I think).