Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cheney says torture report is "full of crap"


Recently, Dick Cheney has gone public about his true feelings on the newly released "torture report." Earlier this week, Senate Democrats have published a report about the "enhanced" interrogations that were authorized during the Bush administration. Apparently, Cheney does not agree with the Democrats' findings, calling it "full of crap." Cheney states that the Democrats did not interview any CIA officials that were in office at the time and that the program was designed "to catch the bastards" and "that's exactly what they did."

Personally, I have mixed feelings about the whole report and enhanced interrogation. On one hand, it could be a useful tool for extracting information that could potentially save lives but on the other hand, it's morally wrong. So we face a dilemma. Should we follow our moral compasses and do the right thing, or should we do whatever is necessary to protect the country and its people?

"Torture is an impermissible evil. Except under two circumstances. The first is the ticking time bomb. An innocent's life is at stake. The bad guy you have captured possesses information that could save this life. He refuses to divulge. In such a case, the choice is easy."~Charles Krauthammer

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Canadian Family Attempts to Resurrect Husband.....For Six Months.....


Recently, a Canadian family held onto the head of the family for six months and prayed for his resurrection daily. The only way authorities found the dead 52 year old man was after police came to the house to evict them for not making house payments. To prevent the smell from alerting neighbors, the family sealed the house. The deceased husband was a very religious man and his wife even more so. She was given a suspended sentence and told to go to counselling.

Well.... this story definitely got my attention. I get that losing a loved one is a very hard thing to go though, but I didn't think it would drive people to try and resurrect them six months after death. I mean, how would you even put up with a decomposing body in the place where you live? Why would you even want to resurrect a 6 month old zombie-like corpse?