Friday, October 10, 2014

Supreme Court Stops Voter ID Law


Recently, the Supreme Court has blocked a Wisconsin law that would have required voters to present government issued identification. Reasons given by the Court include that it would discriminate minorities like Blacks and Hispanics, the elderly, students, and people with disablilites. The Court also said that it would "create a mess at the polls." The state said that the reason for the law was to crack down on voter fraud and illegal voters.

I believe that it is dumb for the Supreme Court to strike this down. If people really wanted to vote, they should have to provide the proper ID. And discriminating against minorities? That is preposterous, minorities can get an ID just as easily as any white person. Although there were virtously no negatives about this law, the Courts still struck it down for no real good reason. This event has really made me lose faith in our court system.

1 comment:

  1. I think that is is interesting that one of the reasons behind the block is that the law would discriminate minorities because they can acquire identification in the same manner that any white person can. If one really does want to vote they would bring the proper materials in the same way that when you apply for a drivers license you must present all of the required documents in order to complete the process.
