In President Obama's State of the Union Address on Tuesday, he stated that he wanted authorization to combat ISIS but sources say that he is unlikely to send any language to Congress to get full approval to do so. Many Congressmen are saying that him not sending language to Congress is a sign that his administration just does not know what their strategy is and how they will combat the militants. What will happen if Obama gets authorization from Congress to combat ISIS? What will it look like? Well, judging from the fact that in just the five months we have been bombing them we have spent more than a billion dollars, done more than 1,700 airstrikes, and sent more than 2,000 U.S. troops to Iraq, it will probably look a lot like the situation in Afghanistan a year or two ago, resulting in the deaths of thousands of U.S. servicemen and thousands of Iraqi civilians, not to mention economic devastation for Iraq.
I think the way that the U.S. is handling the ISIS threat is reckless and unnecessary. If we want to create a permanent peace in the Middle East, we should not invade Iraq or any other Middle Eastern nation for that matter. When we invade any nation, it results in thousands of civilian deaths. When these innocent civilians die, it just creates more anti-American sentiment and thus more people are likely to join the ISIS cause to combat what they see as violent occupying force. If a foreign power invaded the United States to combat a few thousand terrorists, killing thousands of innocent Americans in the process, would you not be outraged? Would you not be tempted to join the terrorists to try and defend your families and friends? It's the same situation in the Middle East right now, except we are the invading force. The point is, invasion and increased troops numbers in Iraq is not the solution to achieve peace. If we want peace, we need to try something else.
I agree with you. It is rather ironic that he says this since he goes on to say that the U.S is more diplomatic before it sends in troops. This is a little difficult since we don't, or used to, negotiate with terrorists but still there must be attempts before you put lives on the line.