Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Courts to Review Lethal Injection

Don't click this

Last week, the Supreme Court announced that it will review the use of lethal injections for executions. This was brought to the attention of the Court by four Death Row inmates, one of which has since been executed. The irony in his execution is that he was executed using the very same drugs he and his fellow inmates were challenging before the Supreme Court. His death was also reported as being excruciating, even saying that his body "felt like it was on fire" and that the injections "felt like acid." Until the case is heard, though, executions by lethal injection will be halted.

Overall, I think it's a good thing that the Supreme Court is reviewing the inmates' case because no one, no matter how evil they seem, should have to suffer that much before they die. With that said, I think that we should abolish the death penalty all together. Sure most criminals on death row seem to be the spawn of Satan, but how is killing them going to solve anything and how is killing them even constitutional? Shouldn't everyone have the right to life and isn't death considered a "cruel or unusual punishment"? If we are going to have capital punishment, we might as well give the inmate a choice which method they want to be executed whether it be firing squad, electric chair, hanging, lethal injection, or the classic bullet to the head.


  1. Before I say anything about your blog, the link title is comedy gold. I agree that death by lethal injections should be halted until the drug formula is altered. One solution to that problem could be just giving the inmate an anesthetizing agent before the lethal injection. If we are to abolish the death penalty, then we must also lower minimum sentences for low level crimes such as drug possession so that our prison system will be able to compensate. While I am morally against the death penalty, it would be illogical to create this law without lowering sentences for small crimes (Link to video about the prison system:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaPBcUUqbew). I agree with your point about choosing the method of execution as long as the shooter in the "classic bullet" style agrees to shoot without being forced.

    1. Firstly, to everyone reading this, I highy recommend watching the video in Monty's comment. I agree with you fully Andrew, we need to do something about the sentences for small crimes. Considering 48% of people currently in prison are there for a crime thats not even violent: drugs. I believe we need to decriminalize drug use. By doing this, we would release almost half of the prison population. Also, if we decriminalize drug use, it would deal a major blow to drug cartels and we would be able to end the destructive and futile War on Drugs, saving billions of dollars and thousands of lives in the process.
