Wednesday, February 4, 2015

US wants to arm Ukraine to fight Russia

BBC World News

Secretary of Defense nominee Ashton Carter announced that he would want to send weapons and other "lethal aid" to Ukraine in order to counter Russian aggression in the Donetsk region of Eastern Ukraine. President Obama has also stated that he is considering sending lethal aid to the Ukrainians and later the President will make the final decision regarding these weapons. It is also reported that the White House fears that sending weapons to Ukraine could further escalate the crisis.

I hate our foreign policy. We intervene in conflicts that have nothing to do with the nation and do not threaten us in anyway. Ukraine is not a U.S. ally and therefore should not be any of our concern, let Ukraine's allies and Ukraine take care of Ukraine, it is none of our concern. If we do end up sending weapons to Ukraine, which we most likely will, it will only further escalate this crisis. Once Russia sees that their rebels are losing, they will most likely up their support and maybe even send in ground forces, thus turning this relatively small conflict into a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia. With both sides increasing aid to their faction, the war will undoubtedly escalate more and may even turn into a full fledged war between NATO and Russia, a very scary, Cold War like scenario. All of this is just hypothetical of course. Nonetheless, hopefully the U.S. will make the right decision and not intervene, but knowing how we react to these things, we'll make the wrong one.

1 comment:

  1. Sending weapons to the Ukraine would be a risky move. Russia would find out without a doubt, and there would eventually be some retaliation of some sort. I agree with Jared, but I also think the Ukraine needs some assistance to help keep its nation together without being consumed into the black hole we know as Russia.
