Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Critical Summit over the fate of Ukraine

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Today, the leaders of France, Germany, Russia, and Ukraine met in Minsk, Belarus to talk about the future of Ukraine. According to an unnamed source, the four leaders will be signing several documents, including a declaration of Ukrainian independence and sovereignty and an agreement affirming the leaders' commitment to the peace plan that was drawn up in September. Here is what each side would like to see at the summit: Russia wants legal rights for Russian speaking Ukrainians, full autonomy for rebel held regions, withdraw of government troops from the war zone, and no return of Crimea to Ukraine; Ukraine wants control over rebel held regions, withdrawal of Russian troops, a secure border, and full prisoner exchange; Pro-Russian rebels want independence; The EU and US wants democracy, withdrawal of Russian troops, and a demilitarized border in Eastern Ukraine along with Ukrainian territorial integrity. President Obama also has said that if diplomacy fails, he may begin sending arms to Ukraine.

I hope some real good comes out of this summit. All sides have reasonable demands so diplomacy and compromise may be easier. What I personally would like to see most closely resembles Russia's demands. I think that the rebel held regions should have greater autonomy because from what I've read, most people in the region want that.

1 comment:

  1. I think just because Russia is Russia this whole situation is being blown way out of proportion. These areas that Russia want are like Jared said, for Russia. They all just happen to live a country away. If the residents want autonomy and Russia is pushing for it and now being reasonable about it, then they should get autonomy.
