Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My Heart is Broken...


This has nothing to do with America or the government, but this is still a global crisis that needs to be addressed.

Yesterday, Jeremy Clarkson, the head presenter of BBC 2's Top Gear, has been suspended following a fight he had with a BBC producer where he is alleged to have punched someone in the face. As a result, Top Gear will not be shown this Monday on BBC America and the three remaining episodes will be dropped as well. As of now, an online petition calling for the reinstatement of Clarkson has already reached 500,000.

I AM PISSED. Top Gear is my favorite TV show and now BBC has decided to ruin my Monday nights with this suspension. I think this is the stupidest thing BBC could do, considering Top Gear is the most widely watched factual TV show in the world with over 350 million regular viewers and is one of BBC's most profitable programs. As one can imagine, many of those 350 million people are quite upset over this, which gives me comfort and hope that Clarkson may be reinstated. I also think that they overreacted too. I mean, how hard can a fat old man punch anyway? When I got into fights at school, I was suspended for a day and that was it, with this they've suspended him and punished the viewers by dropping episodes.

Petition to reinstate Jeremy Clarkson:

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